Welcome to the Department of Demography!

Our Department combines demographic research and teaching at the University of Vienna.

Demography is the scientific study of changing population size and structures. It analyses and mathematically models the multiple structures of human populations by age, sex, place of residence, level of educational attainment, labor force participation and other essential demographic characteristics of individuals. It focusses on the determinants of such changes – in particular, fertility, mortality and migration – and assesses the aggregate level consequences of past, current and future population changes on society, economy and environment.

The Department of Demography also serves as the university-pillar of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna).


Prof. Eva Beaujouan participates in a panel discussion on reproductive medicine organised by IMBA and Merck Österreich.

Prof. Lutz has been awarded the world’s most highly esteemed education prize for his research on the role of education as a driver of sustainable...

In an interview with ORF-Topos, Prof. Eva Beaujouan discusses the reasons why women in the Global North wait until their mid-30s to have children.

Researchers from the Department of Demography will present their research at the European Population Conference - EPC 2024, organised by the European...

The Department of Demography is co-hosting the WIC Conference 2024 on "Delayed Reproduction: Challenges and Prospects". Deadline: 15 May 2024

We are looking for an outstanding postdoctoral researcher to join our "Skill-PAL" project.