Department of Demography
(c) Heike Barakat
Department of Demography
In 2019, the University of Vienna established the Department of Demography as part of its Faculty of Social Sciences. The department is located in Otto Wagner's iconic Austrian Postal Savings Bank building, located on the Wiener Stubenring in Vienna.
The Department of Demography also serves as the university-based pillar of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna).
Head of Institute
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Eva Beaujouan | Head
Assoz. Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Erich Striessnig | Deputy Head
Dr. Heike Barakat, MA | Department Coordinator | +43 1 51581 7708
Mag. Elisabeth Stella Maria Janisch, BA | Department Coordinator | +43 1 51581 7714
AR Klaudia Zeliska | SSSt | Master Global Demography | +43 1 4277 491 93