Frequently Asked Questions: Master’s Programme Global Demography Department of Demography, University of Vienna

Last updated: July 2024


Please contact the MPGD-Team ( for any further questions.





  • Entrance and residency

    The website of the OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation, is a very detailed and helpful source for all questions around the topic of entrance and residency in Austria:

School Fees


  • Do I need to pay tuiton fees?

    Students have to pay the student’s union fee and possibly the tuition fee every semester in due time.

    The amount of the tuition fee varies depending on your citizenship. If you are an EU/EEA/CH citizen, it also depends on how long you have already been studying. Please find all information about both the student's unition and the tuition fee (amount, payment, remission and more) at



Study Organisation


  • Welcome Guide

    The guide for new students offers a first insight into the most important topics and services for getting started with your studies. The guide provides an introduction to studying at the University of Vienna, from planning the first semester to questions on the nature of science, up to the range of services available for starting your career.

    The guide serves as an entry point. The links in the guide provide additional information.

    Welcome Guide

  • The Curriculum

    The curriculum regulates the study programme and creates commitment for teachers and students. It comprises the learning objectives and content as well as aspects of learning processes and learning organisation.

    Please read thoroughly through the whole curriculum that comprises the following:

    § 1 Objectives and qualification profile
    § 2 Duration and scope
    § 3 Entry requirements
    § 4 Academic degree
    § 5 Structure – Modules with allocated ECTS credits
    § 6 Master's thesis
    § 7 Master's examination
    § 8 Mobility during the master’s programme
    § 9 Course classification
    § 10 Courses with a limited number of participants and registration procedures
    § 11 Examination regulations
    § 12 Entry into force
    § 13 Transitional provisions

    English version
    German version

    The ideal path through your studies

    Please consult the curriculum for the ideal path through your studies. For that please see the attachment at the very end of the document. You find the links to the curriculum above.

    Planning Guide



  • Registration for courses and examinations

    Find detailed instructions on how to register for courses and exams here.

  • Where do I find the Course Schedule for each semester?

    The course schedule can be found in u:find. Please make sure that you choose the right semester on the right hand side:

    2024W = winter semester 2024
    2024S = summer semester 2024

Electives - Module 3


  • Which electives can be chosen?

    You may choose a course to your liking from another field of study. This course needs to be
    -a lecture (Vorlesung) = VO
    -on Master level
    -needs to be directly connected either to SPL (study programme leader) 21, 23, 24 or 29.

    SPL 21 Political Sciences (+Government):
    -Master Politikwissenschaft (824) | Political Science

    SPL 23 Sociology (+Nursing Sciences, Demography)
    -Master Soziologie (905 [2] - Version 2014) (2022S) | Sociology
    -Master Pflegewissenschaft (330 [2] - Version 2014) | Nursing Science

    SPL 24 Social and Cultural Anthropology (+Development Studies)
    -Master Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (810) | Cultural and Social Anthropology
    -Master CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (656)
    -Master Internationale Entwicklung (589) | International Development

    SPL 29: Geography
    -Master Geography: Global Change and Sustainability (855 [2] - Version 2021)

  • Can I choose an elective offered by a different SPL (Study Programme Leader)?

    If you find an elective that is not offered by the Social Sciences SPLs 21, 23 or 24, you may ask for permission to take it regardless. In that case, please send an email ( and we will get back to you with the decision.

  • Does the elective have to carry 4 ECTS?

    Yes. If you choose an elective that only carries 3 ECTS instead of 4 ECTS you will need to then choose a second elective to gain 4 ECTS in total.

  • Can I choose two electives with a total of 4 ECTS?

    Yes. If you choose an elective that only carries 3 ECTS instead of 4 ECTS you will need to then choose a second elective to gain 4 ECTS in total.

Master's Thesis


  • How do I get assigned to a supervisor?

    Twice per year (March, October), the programme coordinator offers a matchmaking between supervisors and students to assure the ideal allocation of supervisors to student topics. Information about this is sent out in the given months via e-mail.

  • Who are the supervisors of the master’s programme Global Demography?

    Students will be supervised and co-supervised by the scientific staff of the Department of Demography at the University of Vienna: Eva Beaujouan, Marc Luy, Erich Striessnig, Endale Birhanu Kebede and Sonja Spitzer.

    Students will also benefit from co-supervisions by leading scientists from the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, ÖAW, University of Vienna) among them: Isabella Buber-Ennser, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Paola Di Giulio, Anne Goujon, Samir KC, Michael Kuhn, Michaela Potancokova, Sergei Scherbov and Tomas Sobotka.

  • Finding a master's thesis topic
    Beaujouan EvaFertility and family, late fertility, reproduction
    Kebede EndaleFertility and education in high-fertility context, Causal impact (on demographic indicators) evaluations
    Lutz WolfgangMultidimensional demography, demography of wellbeing, education, migration
    Luy MarcPopulation ageing, life expectancy, healthy life years
    Spitzer SonjaPopulation economics, health, ageing, data reliability, causal inference
    Striessnig ErichPopulation-environment interactions, population forecasts, population history
  • Once I have received the supervisor's acceptance, how do I proceed?

    Once your topic has been accepted by a supervisor, the approval of the topic and supervisor by the SSC is necessary. 

  • One of the forms mentions a "working title" for the thesis; does this mean I can change the actual title of it later on?

    Correct. In the end, when you submit your thesis, the final title needs to be chosen and used.

  • What are the guidelines for writing a master's thesis at the Department of Demography?

    Please find further information here:

  • How do I submit the master’s thesis?
  • How long does it take to grade the master's thesis?

    The supervisor has two months to evaluate the thesis and submit the report to the SSC. After the supervisor has handed in the evaluation, you will receive an e-mail with a scanned copy of the evaluation form containing the grade.

  • When do I have to submit the master's thesis?

Master's Examination


  • When can I register for the public defence/master’s examination?

    After the positive assessment of your master’s thesis, you can take the final examination (public defence). Please register for the public defence.

  • When will the public defences/master’s examinations take place?

    Please see: Exam Dates

Living in Vienna - General Information


  • Public transport - Ticket for students
  • Buy & sell products –

    Most common online plattform to sell and buy second hand and new productus as: mobiles, bicycles, computers, books, ...