Registration of the Topic and Supervision

1 Selection of Topic and Supervisor at the Department

Twice per year (March, October), the programme coordinator offers a matchmaking between supervisors and students to assure the ideal allocation of supervisors to student topics. Information about this is sent out in the given months via e-mail.





Once you have received this information, please send the following details to:

  1. first abstract of your intended thesis (max. 150 words),
  2. your main research question,
  3. names of two preferred supervisors (1st choice, 2nd choice) from the list provided.

Within three weeks, you will be informed if your topic is accepted, and which supervisor will take over the supervision.

These supervisors are currently (Winter Term 2023) available for new thesis projects:

Beaujouan Eva Fertility and family, late fertility, reproduction
Di Giulio Paola Health across generations: an analysis of individual and family health patterns in Austria using GGS data
Kebede Endale Fertility and education in high-fertility context, Causal impact (on demographic indicators) evaluations
Luy Marc Population ageing, life expectancy, healthy life years
Potancokova Michaela Contribution of internal and international migration of foreign-born and native-born to population turnover at subnational level in Austria
Spitzer Sonja Population economics, health, ageing, data reliability, causal inference
Striessnig Erich Population-environment interactions, population forecasts, population history

2 Approval of Topic and Supervisor by the SSC

Once your topic has been accepted by a supervisor, please hand in the following items to

  1. signed copy of the form "Notification of Master Thesis Topic and Supervisor", signed by you and your supervisor.
  2. signed copy of the form "Regulations Relating to Good Scientific Practice"
  3. copy of the Record of Exams/Sammelzeugnis (u:space), with all courses completed so far.

The documents must be submitted no later than 6 weeks upon receipt of the notification.